Net-Zero Aviation

How SAF Certificates Are Revolutionizing Aviation’s Carbon Footprint: A Positive Step Toward Decarbonization

In the ongoing battle against climate change, the aviation industry has faced significant challenges in reducing its carbon footprint. Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) has long been hailed as a promising solution, but logistical and financial hurdles have slowed its adoption. However, the introduction of SAF Certificates (SAFc) offers a new

How SAF Certificates Are Revolutionizing Aviation’s Carbon Footprint: A Positive Step Toward Decarbonization Read More

The Role of Carbon Offsets in Aviation’s Path to Net-Zero: A Key Interim Solution

As the aviation industry faces increasing pressure to reduce its carbon footprint, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) remains an expensive and scarce option for widespread adoption. However, carbon offsets are emerging as an important interim solution to help airlines meet emissions reduction targets under global initiatives like the Carbon Offsetting and

The Role of Carbon Offsets in Aviation’s Path to Net-Zero: A Key Interim Solution Read More

Dnata Drives Sustainability at Heathrow with HVO-Powered Fleet

Dnata, a global leader in air and travel services, is accelerating its sustainability journey by transitioning its fleet of 70 Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) at London Heathrow Airport to Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO). This move marks a significant step in reducing the company’s carbon footprint, cutting emissions from its HGV

Dnata Drives Sustainability at Heathrow with HVO-Powered Fleet Read More

Transforming Waste into Flight: Argonne’s Breakthrough in Sustainable Aviation Fuel

The aviation industry has taken another step forward in its sustainability journey, thanks to groundbreaking research from the Argonne National Laboratory. Scientists at Argonne have developed a revolutionary technology—membrane-assisted anaerobic digestion (MAAD)—that converts organic waste streams into sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). This innovative process could reduce aviation-related greenhouse gas (GHG)

Transforming Waste into Flight: Argonne’s Breakthrough in Sustainable Aviation Fuel Read More